
Enhancing music entrepreneurship teaching in Higher Music Education

Your Jazz Career offers music entrepreneurship services for Higher Music Education Institutions in Europe and beyond.

Teaching and coaching the next generation of brilliant  musicians and passionate cultural leaders is a true calling of mine. I have seen the shift in the energy of young music professionals and the positive result on their creative work from embracing and implementing a self-management approach. Therefore, let’s prepare young musicians even better for the work field of tomorrow!

Music Entrepreneurship workshops for Higher Music Education

Your Jazz Career offers workshops aimed at empowering young artists in their music career. With a specialisation in artist branding, career strategy, and the high-performing artist mindset. 

Workshop topics

Your Jazz Career offers an unique approach to music entrepreneurship based upon six pillars that empower musicians to create a viable and meaningful music career. A career in which they can create their greatest work and contribute with impact to their community and fanbase. These six pillars are:

  1. Be More Of You (Keywords: branding, artistic identity & vision, core values, purpose, the Golden Circle)
  2. Spread Your Work (Keywords: 1.000 True Fans, promotion, publicity, negotiation, “sell like an artist”)
  3. Create Your Portfolio Career (Keywords: growth, diversify, streams of income, business model you, strengths, purpose, strategy)
  4. Realize Your Dream-Projects (Keywords: project-management, album release, tour planning, productivity, essentialism)
  5. Understand The Business Side of Music (Keywords: music rights, business model you, entrepreneurship)
  6. Your Artist Mindset (Keywords: Growth Mindset, Abundance vs Scarcity Mindset, overcoming resistance, turning pro, dealing with criticism)
These workshops are interactive, immediatly implementable in the “real-world” and based on the current needs of the students themselves. Interested? Below you will find three often used formats. Of course, the format will be tailormade according to your specific needs to create the most effective program possible.

Choose Your PLAN

Please find below the three most used options for workshops. If the educational activity takes place outside of the Netherland, expenses will be additional.



excl. VAT

Interactive lecture, workshop

Short intensive workshop

Excl. travel costs

Technical requirements provided by institution.



excl. VAT

Interactive lectures, workshops

Intensive workshop

Excl. travel costs & lunch

Technical requirements provided by institution.



excl. VAT

Interactive lectures, workshops​

Full-day workshop(s)

Excl. travel costs & lunch

Technical requirements provided by institution.