One morning, when you woke up from a restless night, you decided it was time for a change.
Visiting this website is the first step. Congrats! Now, why not take the next one?
Working one-on-one with an experienced, connected music professional committed to your personal growth and success is a powerful and transformational tool. D-I-Y ≠ Do It Alone. Leave that for your solo concerts. A mentor or life/career coach can have a profound impact on your jazz career.
As the driving force of your own career; balancing your artistic self and craft with your entrepreneurial side is challenging. How do you steer your career in the right direction? Working together with a career coach is a great way to empower yourself with the right mindset and tools to create a sustainable and fulfilling career. Coaching is a partnership of total trust and possibility that we create together. I truly believe that the best investment you can make is in yourself!
For more info: click here.

Pieter Schoonderwoerd has founded “Your Art as Business” at Conservatorium Maastricht and currently teaches music entrepreneurship at Codarts Rotterdam. He has teached several thousand of music students the basics of being an entrepreneurial artist. In addition, he was Chair of AEC Working Group 3 : Entrepreneurship and attended the RENEW Teacher Training program with 40 leading music entrepreneurship educators from around the world. Combining extensive music education experience with over a decade of work experience in the music industry, which resulted in a global network of booking agents, record labels, artists and artist managers, he specialises in teaching music students how to build a sustainable and meaningful career in music. Interested in a workshop at your institution?
For more info: click here.
Are you an artist with a great project in mind but lacking the necessary funds for realisation? Does your cultural organisation need professional services by an experienced fundraiser to get your next groundbreaking project of the ground?
For over six years, I have developed a succesful fundraising resumé. Approved applications include Dutch cultural funds such as Fonds Podiumkunsten, Pr. Bernhard Cultuurfonds, VSB Fonds, Stichting Dioraphte, Janivo Stichting and the Keep An Eye Foundation.
For more info: click here.
P.S. This fundraising service is for Dutch artists and organisations only.