Thank you for visiting Your Jazz Career! I truly hope you’ll find ideas, models and mental tools here that will help you achieve your goals.
I started this website because the world needs more great music. My reasoning is simple: when more artists make a sustainable living, more art will be produced. A fulltime cubicle job leaves little room for making music after all. The approach of this platform is based on identity and strategy. In short, “Why-Do” instead of “How-To”. Being productive is not about being busy and adding even more things to your already cramped to-do list. Instead, it is about doing the right thing at the right time. Doing the important over the urgent. Doing less but better and infused with more meaning. This is the aim in my own life and Your Jazz Career is my way of helping you to do the same.
Pieter Schoonderwoerd
Pieter is a coach for driven and professional musicians looking to elevate their music career.
Below a chronological overview of my education and work experience. Just in case you’re wondering what my own career thus far actually looks like.
- 2003-2007: Bachelor of Business Administration (Zuyd Hogeschool)
- 2004-2009: Drum teacher at Sound Academy Maastricht
- 2007-2008: Junior-Project Manager at Sandenburg Concept Creation
- 2008-2010: Bachelor of Music/Drums at Conservatorium Maastricht
- 2009: Artist management course at IMMER
- 2010-2011: Founded artist management agency Scone Hill Music
- 2012: Album release The Space of a Jump by Bodypolitics
- 2012-2015: Director of Indie-Pop festival Woot!Woot!Woolf
- 2013-14 Working holiday in New Zealand
- 2014-2019: Director of Jazz Maastricht Foundation
- 2016-2019: Founder & teacher of music entrepreneurship program ‘Your Art as a Business’ at Conservatorium Maastricht
- 2017-2019: Chair of AEC Working Group 3: Entrepreneurship – an advisory platform for higher music education in Europe based in Bruxelles, Belgium
- 2018-now: Chair of the board of the Dutch Federation for Jazzvenues and Jazzfestivals (Vereniging Nederlandse Jazzpodia en Jazzfestivals)
- 2019: Seth Godin’s altMBA program
- 2019-2021: Boardmember of the Boy Edgar Award
- 2019-2020: Jazz programmer at music venue de Doelen
- 2020 – now: Founded www.yourjazzcareer.com
- 2021 – now: Lecturer Music Entrepreneurship at Codarts (Rotterdam)
want to turn your dreams into a project?
Let’s do this together!